10 Secrets To Mastering The Art Of Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a great way to preserve memories, but it can also be an incredibly fun hobby. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the supplies, tools, and technicalities involved in scrapbooking. 

However, I’m here to tell you that with my simple tips and tricks for mastering the art of scrapbooking, you’ll be able to get started on your first project in no time!

10 Tips to get BETTER at Scrapbooking
Key Takeaways
– Use high-quality supplies to elevate your work.
– Experiment with different techniques and layouts.
– Pay attention to color and design principles.
– Choose photos that have a strong visual impact.
– Don’t be afraid to break the rules and try something new.

Take Your Time

It’s tempting to rush the process, but don’t. Don’t be afraid to take your time and don’t worry about being perfect. You’ll have plenty of time for that later on!

Most importantly, don’t worry about what other people are doing or how long it takes them—or even how long it takes you! There’s no point in comparing yourself with others because everyone is at a different stage in their scrapbooking journey. 

Everyone has their own goals for scrapbooking and their own way of achieving them; focus on yours and make sure that those around you aren’t distracting you from reaching them!

The right supplies are essential for taking your scrapbooking to the next level. As our Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Scrapbooking Supplies points out, a few key items can elevate your creative output from average to amazing.

Take Notes

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to scrapbook exactly how your mother did, but it doesn’t hurt to take notes on what she did.

For example, if you know your mom was big on the dewdrop technique or she always saved her ribbon scraps from projects and made them into something else later, then maybe that’s something you should try too. 

In other words, look at what worked for her and see if there are any lessons in there that could help you make beautiful pages in your own style.

Use Different Kinds of Paper

You can use different types of paper to add interest and depth to your scrapbook. Use textured paper in a layout, or use solid colors with patterns if you want something more subtle. 

Try using different sized pieces of paper as well, like using small squares in a grid layout rather than one big piece. You can also use different colors and patterns together for an eye-catching design that will make your scrapbook stand out!

One of the most common barriers to taking up scrapbooking is a lack of expertise. Fortunately, with our 15 Easy Scrapbooking Techniques for Beginners, anyone can start creating beautiful scrapbook pages.

Embrace Mistakes

Mistakes are a part of learning, and mistakes are a part of the creative process. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made a mistake in my scrapbooking that has resulted in something magical! 

And by magical, I mean disastrously bad. But, there are ways to make even your worst mistakes work for you.

Here’s an example: I once used too much adhesive on a photo mat and ended up with white glue all over one side of my project. 

Rather than scrapping the whole thing, I turned that side into an accent piece by adding some lace ribbon around it so it looked like snow falling off the trees (if you look closely at this picture). And now that mistake looks amazing!

Another way to use mistakes is to create new techniques or styles using them upcycled materials from other projects and find innovative ways to implement them into future ones.”

BenefitsTips for Embracing Mistakes
Enhances CreativityDon’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques and mediums, even if you’re not sure of the outcome.
Sparks Unexpected IdeasInstead of seeing mistakes as setbacks, view them as opportunities to try something new.
Celebrates UniquenessMistakes can sometimes lead to happy accidents that truly make your project one-of-a-kind.
Reduces PressureRemember that scrapbooking is meant to be a fun and expressive activity – don’t put too much pressure on yourself to produce a perfect end result.

Note: Consider using imperfect elements like Tim Holtz’s “Distress” line to add character and charm to your pages.

Mix Up Materials

Mix up the materials you use to make your scrapbook unique. Your scrapbook will look more special if it’s not just pages upon pages of photos and stickers. Mix it up by using different papers, photos, stickers and so on! 

For example: do you have some very old photos that you want to include in your book? Put them in a frame and use them as a page! Do you have an amazing photo taken at an event that deserves its own spot? Use cardstock paper (or any other heavy-duty paper) to create an insert instead of just taping or gluing it onto the next page. 

You can also find patterns online for scrapbooking projects such as envelopes or bags made from recycled materials like cereal boxes (yum!). 

It doesn’t matter how many times someone has used these techniques before; no two books will ever be exactly alike because each person has his or her own style when creating one – yours should be unique too!

Keeping up with current trends is important for any serious scrapbooker. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to The Top Scrapbooking Trends of the Year – so you can stay in the know and keep your scrapbook pages fresh and relevant.

Use Printed Fonts

Did you know that there are over 65,000 fonts available on the internet? Yeah, that’s a lot. It might seem like an overwhelming task to find the right font for your project. Luckily, there are some great resources out there to help you figure it out!

What is a Font?

A font (or typeface) is the style of the text and can be either serif or sans-serif. A serif font has small strokes added to its letters, while sans-serif does not have these small details in its letters. 

For example: Times New Roman is a serif font while Verdana is a sans-serif font. A font can also be italicized which means it has been slanted or italicized from its normal position on paper or screen and may appear slightly different than it would normally appear if printed without being slanted (this is called oblique). 

Most often this involves changing how much space each letter takes up within words so they become more compacted and thus easier for readers’ eyes to follow along from start of sentence through end rather than constantly having their gaze jump around as they try deciphering what was written due largely thanks in part due confusingly inconsistent spacing between certain letters.

Think Outside The Box

You must be willing to try new things if you ever hope to master the art of scrapbooking. Don’t be afraid of failure; you will fail many times as a beginner, but this is part of the process and it will help you learn.

When I first started scrapbooking, I thought that every page had to look exactly the same as every other page in my album. This was not true at all! The key is to use different materials and colors on each page so that they don’t all look like they were created by the same person (even if they were).

There’s nothing more personalized than creating your own albums and journals. Our guide to DIY Scrapbooking walks you through the process from beginning to end so you can create a truly one-of-a-kind keepsake.

Keep A Theme

The theme can be anything you want. You can choose a specific color that represents something, or a word that describes the feeling of your project. 

For example, I like to use my scrapbooking as an opportunity to create art journals. Since I don’t have any artistic ability and was never taught how to draw or paint, it’s very important for me to have inspiration in my work (which is why I love using movie quotes).

I’ve used a beach theme for many of my projects over the years because “the beach” has such a strong association with relaxation, fun times with family and friends, and freedom from everyday stressors that it always puts me in the right mindset when working on these pages! Here are some examples:

BenefitsTips for Keeping a Theme
Provides CohesionDecide on a theme before starting your project to create consistencies throughout.
Simplifies the Creative ProcessChoose a theme that inspires you and keep it in mind while selecting supplies.
Offers a Unified LookStick to a specific color scheme or design style for a cohesive final result.
Helps to Tell a StoryDecide on a theme that reflects the story you want to tell with your project.

Note: Consider using brands like Graphic 45 or Bo Bunny to find themed paper and embellishments that match your chosen theme.

Make It Personal

As a scrapbooker, you probably have a lot of photos lying around. Use them! If you want to bring your scrapbooks to life and make them feel more personal, use the photos that matter most to you. 

If it’s your son’s birthday party from last weekend, add that photo in there as well as some of his other favorite photos from his first year it will make the book even more meaningful for him when he looks back on it one day.

Scrapbooking doesn’t have to be about just family and friends; we often get inspired by places we’ve been or things we love too! 

What about taking some time during summer vacation (or any other time) where your family goes somewhere special like Disneyland? Or what about all those pictures on Instagram with all those pretty pictures made out of paper? What if they were actually in your scrapbook?

Love scrapbooking, but hate the high price tag that often comes with it? Fear not, as our guide to Scrapbooking on a Budget shows you how to save money without sacrificing quality.

Design For Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they are scrapbooking is trying to design for other people. 

This can lead you down a path of frustration when your design and style doesn’t match up with the tastes of others. Instead, take your time to focus on what is important to you and use that as a starting point for creating something beautiful.

When it comes to picking out materials for your scrapbooking projects, try not to be too picky about their cost or prestige level. 

Instead, look for items that fit in well with the overall feel and theme of your project. The most important thing is finding things that work well together!

Mistakes to AvoidDesigning for Yourself
Trying to Design for OthersDesign pages that reflect your personality and style.
Sticking to Conventional LayoutsExperiment with unique designs and layouts that showcase your individuality.
Ignoring Your Own PreferencesUse your favorite colors, patterns, and embellishments to create pages that bring you joy.
Not Trusting Your Creative InstinctsExplore different techniques and trends while also trusting your own creative voice.

Note: Remember to choose the products and materials that match your individual style and preferences, whether it be a brand like Tim Holtz or a particular color scheme.


Scrapbooking is a fantastic hobby to get into, but it can be intimidating if you’re not sure where to start. The key is to take your time and make sure that every element of your scrapbooking kit suits the theme of your project. 

Don’t be afraid of mistakes! You should also try mixing up different materials in order to come up with truly unique designs. 

And last but not least, remember that creating something truly personal is more important than anything else when it comes down to what makes good scrapbooking great.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about scrapbooking, we highly recommend checking out these articles:

10 Secrets Every Scrapbooker Should Know: This article provides helpful tips and tricks for taking your scrapbooking to the next level.

All About Scrapbooking: This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about scrapbooking.

Scrapbooking Tips and Tricks to Try Out: This article features a variety of creative ideas to inspire your scrapbook layouts.


What are some essential supplies for scrapbooking?

To get started with scrapbooking, you’ll need a few basic supplies, including patterned paper, cardstock, adhesive, and a paper trimmer.

How do I choose photos for my scrapbook pages?

Choosing photos is a highly personal process, but some tips include selecting images that have a strong visual impact or are particularly meaningful to you.

What kinds of themes can I use for my scrapbook pages?

The possibilities are endless! Some popular themes include family vacations, holidays, weddings, and baby’s first year.

How do I keep my scrapbook pages organized?

It’s a good idea to establish a system for organizing your supplies and layouts. Some options include sorting by color, creating a binder system, or using a digital organizer.

How can I make my scrapbook pages more visually interesting?

Adding embellishments like stickers, die cuts, and ribbon can help bring your page to life, as can experimenting with different textures and techniques like layering and distressing.