Unleash Your Inner Artist: How To Make Handmade Jewelry

I used to think handmade jewelry was something I could never master. I don’t know anything about jewelry-making and don’t have an artistic bone in my body, so why would I even try? But then I saw some amazing work online, and it gave me the confidence to try my hand at creating jewelry. 

It is a challenging skill that takes time and patience (and maybe some cursing) but it’s also incredibly rewarding when you get it right! So if you want to unleash your inner artist, read on:

1. With the right techniques and materials, it’s easy to make beautiful handmade jewelry at home.
2. Beading and wire wrapping are two popular techniques for handmade jewelry.
3. There are many resources available, such as tutorials and classes, for learning new jewelry-making techniques.
4. Taking your time and paying attention to detail can help you avoid common mistakes in jewelry-making.
5. Finding inspiration for your jewelry designs is easy with the abundance of resources available both online and offline.

Find Your Inspiration

Once you have a solid idea of what you want to make, look at pictures of jewelry that are similar to what you have in mind. 

Look at jewelry that is similar but looks better than what you have in mind. Look at jewelry that is different and ask yourself why it might be appealing. 

Ask yourself how the designer made their products look better than what was available before they came along, or how they made something new out of old ideas.

Learn how to make beautiful handmade jewelry from the comfort of your own home with our DIY Jewelry Making Tips and Tricks guide. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced jewelry maker, our guide has something for everyone to create stunning and unique pieces.

Shop for Supplies

The first step to becoming a jewelry designer is choosing the right supplies. As you are starting out, it’s important to find inexpensive materials. 

The easiest way to find beads and accessories for your jewelry designs is by going to a local bead shop. However, if you don’t have one nearby or the craft store selection isn’t up to par, there are plenty of online options available.

The best places for shopping for beads tend to be bead shops where customers can see an array of choices in person and try out different styles before purchasing them. 

This can help ensure that you choose items that will work well with your projects and fit into your budget as well! Suppliers like Fruity Beads have affordable prices on all kinds of beads — with no minimum order size required either!

BeadsMichaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Fire Mountain Gems
WireAmazon, Jewelry Supply, Michaels
PliersMichaels, Home Depot, Lowe’s
Hooks and claspsAmazon, Jewelry Supply, Michaels

In this table, we see the different types of supplies that are required for jewelry making and the stores that carry these materials. Beads, wire, pliers, hooks, and clasps are some of the essential supplies required, and popular stores that sell these items like Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Fire Mountain Gems, Amazon, Jewelry Supply, Home Depot, and Lowe’s are mentioned.

When starting out as a jewelry designer, it’s important to find inexpensive materials, and these stores are great options for finding quality supplies at affordable prices.

Choose Basic Tools

If you are a beginner, there are some basic tools that you will need to get started.

Needle Nose Pliers: These are used to handle small-sized things like jump rings and earring hooks. They should be pointed at one end so that they can easily be inserted into holes in the metal.

Wire Cutters: These are a must if you want to work with metal wire. It is important not to use scissors because they can easily damage the metal wires when cutting them or even cause rusting if they’re left wet with sweat or water for too long after cutting them

Round Nose Pliers: You’ll use these for bending wires into curves and turns as well as manipulating other types of jewelry pieces so that they look their best on your body or clothing item being decorated with it (for example, adding charms onto bracelets).

Beading 101 is the perfect guide for those who want to learn how to make beautiful handmade jewelry through beading. Our guide covers everything from choosing the right beads to working with different threads and wires to create unique jewelry.

Learn How to Measure, Cut and Clasp Jewelry Wire

Jewelry wire comes in many different sizes, and each type has a different gauge. Gauge is simply the thickness of the wire. 

The lower the number, the thicker it is. For instance, if you were to buy 26 gauge craft wire from your local craft store, then this means that it’s thinner than 24 gauge craft wire which means it’s easier to bend when making jewelry.

To measure and cut jewelry wire:

Stretch out some of your beads on a flat surface (such as an old cutting board). This way you’ll be able to see how much space each bead takes up without having any extra room or gaps between them.

Use pliers to bend one end of your piece of jewelry wire into a loop shape by wrapping it around two fingers while holding onto where they meet at one end with another set of pliers so that they don’t get twisted together during bending process (make sure loops are big enough for beads).

Measure out how far apart these loops need to be by placing them over another set of beads until you find one that fits well within this measurement (in this case we used 8mm per loop size but ideally you want about ¼ inch between each loop depending on what kind length necklace/bracelet etc). 

Then use pair scissors cut off excess from both ends leaving only length needed between sets together before moving onto next step!

Looking for easy DIY jewelry projects for beginners? Check out our guide on 10 Easy DIY Jewelry Projects for some inspiration. Our guide includes step-by-step instructions for creating beautiful and simple jewelry pieces for everyday wear.

Learn How to Crimp Properly

Crimping is a technique that has been around for hundreds of years, and it can be used in a variety of ways. It’s a very important step in jewelry making and can help you create many different effects.

The first thing you’ll need to know how to do is use pliers or a hammer. Be sure that the wire has been cut at an angle; otherwise, the crimp will not work correctly. 

With pliers, squeeze it down tightly until it flattens out against the metal end bead or whatever else you’re using as an attachment point (like jump rings). 

If done correctly, there should be no gap between where you started squeezing and where your finished crimp ends up being completely flattened out against other metal parts on your project piece!

Materials NeededSteps
Beading wire1. Cut a length of beading wire to your desired length.
Crimp beads2. Slide a crimp bead onto one end of the beading wire.
Crimping pliers3. Use crimping pliers to squeeze the crimp bead onto the wire.
Beads and other decorative elements4. Add beads and other decorative elements to the wire as desired.
Crimp covers (optional)5. Slide a crimp cover over the crimp bead and use pliers to close it.

In this table, we see the necessary materials required for using the crimping technique in jewelry making and the steps involved in the process.

Beading wire, crimp beads, crimping pliers, beads, and crimp covers are the essential materials needed, and the steps involve sliding these materials onto the beading wire and using crimping pliers to squeeze the crimp bead onto the wire. Adding other decorative elements and using crimp covers are optional steps in this process.

Understand the Different Types of Chain

Chain is the most commonly used material for jewelry. It’s not just a random string of metal links, but rather a finished product that has been cut and shaped into different lengths, sizes, and thicknesses.

Chain can be made from a variety of metals including gold, silver, brass and copper. Different types of chains are used to create different looks; for example:

Bracelets are often made with softer metals like gold or silver because they’re easier to bend around your wrist than heavier chains would be (and easier on your skin). Plus, you don’t have to worry about losing them!

Necklaces are typically created with heavier chains because it takes more strength and durability for something that will sit against your neck all day long plus this type of chain tends to look better when it hangs down from the bottom half-inch or so of each side rather than being worn horizontally across one’s chest area (which doesn’t happen too often unless someone’s trying really hard).

Discover the art of wire wrapping with our Step-by-Step Wire Wrapping Tutorial. Our guide will teach you how to work with wire to create beautiful and intricate jewelry pieces, perfect for both beginners and advanced jewelers.

Start with a Simple Necklace

First, you’ll need to make some jewelry. To do that, you’ll need the following:

  • jump rings (I recommend using 14 gauge)
  • wire cutters (you can use scissors if you don’t have wire cutters; they’ll just take a lot longer)
  • chain-nose pliers. The first type of pliers you’ll probably encounter when making jewelry are flat-nosed or round-nosed pliers. These are good for holding things while cutting them, but they’re not strong enough to bend wire without breaking it in half. You need chain-nose pliers instead!

Assemble Beaded Earrings

To make a basic beaded earring, you’ll need to follow these steps:

String beads onto the head pin and tie it off with a knot.

Attach findings to the base of your wire by crimping them together with pliers (if you’re making dangle earrings) or soldering them together (if you’re making studs). 

If you’re making hoop earrings, then simply twist closed with your fingers at each end of the wire so that it looks like a loop when viewed from above or below.

Attach one end of an eyepin jump ring to one end of your new beadwork piece as close as possible without going through any holes in its design; if necessary use another eyepin jump ring on top for extra support (see photo).

Materials NeededSteps
Earwires1. Open the loop at the bottom of the earwire using pliers.
Headpins2. Slide the bead(s) onto the headpin.
Beads3. Cut the excess headpin, leaving around 1/2 inch.
Pliers4. Use the pliers to create a loop at the cut end of the headpin.
5. Attach the loop to the earwire loop and use the pliers to close the loop.

In this table, we see the necessary materials required for assembling beaded earrings and the steps involved in the process. Earwires, headpins, beads, and pliers are the essential materials needed, and the steps involve using these materials to create loops and attach them to the earwires.

Create a Simple Wire-Wrapped Ring

Use a jump ring to attach the end of your wire to the ring.

twist the two ends of your wire around each other from top to bottom, so that they are parallel with each other and are in opposite directions (i.e., one is going clockwise and one is going counter-clockwise).

grab both ends with your pliers and gently bend them into a loop shape (it’s okay if it’s not perfect!).

repeat steps 1-3 till all sides have been covered by wire wrapping!

Want to create your own custom beaded jewelry? Our guide on Tips for Creating Custom Beaded Jewelry will help you get started. With tips on choosing the right beads and creating unique patterns, you’ll be making your own stunning jewelry in no time.

Make a Pendant Necklace Using Speed Bumps and Jump Rings or Double Loops

A pendant necklace is a great way to show off your favorite piece of handmade jewelry. It’s also a great way to create a bold look and take advantage of the fact that necklaces are more versatile than bracelets or rings. 

This tutorial will show you how to make your very own pendant necklace using speed bumps and jump rings or double loops!

Materials Needed:

  • Speed bumps (or speed bumps with jump rings attached)
  • Jump Rings or Double Loops

Create Chains Using Speed Bumps and Jump Rings or Double Loops

[This step is] a great way to practice chain making. Try experimenting with different size jump rings or speed bumps and clasps. 

You can make chains of any length and use many links, depending on what you want your finished jewelry piece to look like.

Understand How to Make Chain Maille Patterns

To get started, you need to understand how chain maille patterns are put together. You can create a basic chain maille pattern with jump rings and speed bumps.

To understand how to make a chain maille pattern, it’s important to know what the two main components are: jump rings and speed bumps. 

Jump rings have a hole in the center large enough for both ends of another jump ring; they connect one piece of jewelry to another, or create links within a piece. 

Speed bumps are sections where no jump rings or beads are added; these sections give your jewelry some flexibility so it can move freely on your body without breaking.

1.Understand chain maille patterns and how they are put together
2.Gather your materials, including jump rings and speed bumps
3.Choose a pattern to follow or create your own
4.Practice opening and closing jump rings properly with pliers
5.Connect jump rings together to form the chain maille pattern
6.Use speed bumps to prevent the rings from slipping or distorting
7.Continue adding rings until you reach the desired length
8.Finish the pattern with a clasp or closure

Chain maille patterns can be created using a variety of different materials and techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced jewelry maker, taking the time to practice and learn about different chain maille patterns can lead to beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide to handmade jewelry and are ready to start making some of your own. 

From simple pieces like clasps or jump rings all the way up to complicated chains and pendants, there are endless possibilities for beautiful pieces that tell a story about who you are!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed learning about handmade jewelry-making techniques, check out these additional resources for more inspiration:

London Miyuki’s Blog – London Miyuki’s blog offers a variety of beading tutorials and inspiration for creating your own unique jewelry pieces.

Pinterest – The beads and jewelry section of Pinterest is a great resource for finding inspiration and tutorials for jewelry-making.

Listly – This list provides an extensive collection of handmade jewelry tutorials, patterns, and DIY projects to fuel your inner creativity.


What materials do I need to start making handmade jewelry?

To start making handmade jewelry, you’ll need basic materials such as beads, wire, pliers, and clasps. The specific materials you need will depend on the type of jewelry you want to make.

Do I need any prior experience in jewelry-making to get started?

No, you don’t need any prior experience to start making handmade jewelry. There are plenty of beginner-friendly tutorials and resources available to help you get started.

How can I learn new jewelry-making techniques?

You can learn new jewelry-making techniques through online tutorials, instructional videos, and books. You can also take local classes or workshops to learn from experienced jewelers.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in jewelry-making?

Some common mistakes to avoid in jewelry-making include using the wrong tools, not measuring correctly, and not properly securing clasps or crimps. It’s important to pay attention to detail and take your time to avoid mistakes.

How can I find inspiration for my jewelry designs?

You can find inspiration for your jewelry designs through books, magazines, online tutorials, and even in nature. It’s also helpful to experiment with different materials and techniques to develop your own unique style.