10 Sewing Hacks That Will Change Your Life!

Sewing is a skill that every woman should have, but it can be daunting at first. I think we’ve all been there: you’re trying to sew something and you’re frustrated because it’s not going as smoothly as you’d like. Well, here are 10 sewing hacks that will make your life easier!

Sewing hacks can make the sewing process faster, easier, and more enjoyable.
The Ultimate Guide to Quilting provides all the information you need to create your own beautiful quilt.
Use our DIY Sewing Projects to transform your home decor without spending a fortune.
Our step-by-step sewing tutorial can help you unlock your creativity and learn to sew like a pro.
Perfectly sewn seams can make the difference in your sewing projects, and our guide provides all the secrets.
DIY jewelry making is easier than you think with our tips and tricks.

Threading A Needle

If you have a needle threader, use it! If not, here’s how:

  • Put the threaded needle over the eye of your sewing machine (and make sure it’s not twisted).
  • Hold the end of the thread in one hand and push down on the foot pedal with your other hand to make stitches appear on your fabric.
  • As each stitch forms, pull gently but firmly on both ends of the thread until they’re snug against each other at both ends of a stitch; then trim off any excess that might be sticking out past where you’ve pulled them together—and voila! You’re done!

The Ultimate Guide to Quilting is a must-read if you are interested in this craft! Learn all about the different types of quilts and their patterns, and get inspired to create your own masterpiece. Check out our ultimate quilting guide to get started today.

Attaching A Button

Attaching a button is quick and easy. All you need is a buttonhole foot, which comes on most sewing machines, as well as a sharp needle, an iron and the right size button.

First, insert your button into the hole at the top of your fabric. Then take it out again so that you can attach it to another part of your garment with thread (this will be temporary). 

Next put in your machine’s buttonhole foot and sew down one side of the hole from inside out until you reach where you started stitching. 

Repeat this process for each side until there are no gaps between them; cut off excess thread before removing stem stitch or zig-zag stitch from inside fabric so they don’t show through when finished attaching buttons! 

Now press gently with iron onto wrong side then flip over to admire all those beautiful stitches just waiting for someone special’s fingers (or eyes) touch!

Hemming Jeans

To hem jeans:

  • Fold the hem edge under by 1/2″ and press.
  • Sew the hem edge in place, then press again. The second row of stitches will catch on the first row, helping tighten up your hemline and prevent fraying over time!

Have you been wanting to spruce up your home decor but don’t want to spend a fortune? Look no further than our DIY Sewing Projects! With step-by-step instructions and lots of inspiration, you can transform your home on a budget. Explore our DIY sewing projects for some great ideas.

Cutting Fabric

Cutting fabric is one of the most common tasks in sewing, and it’s important to get it right. You can use a rotary cutter or scissors for cutting out patterns, but there are some best practices you should follow.

Use a cutting mat and ruler – It’s not just for measuring! A cutting mat protects your surface from stray marks, while a ruler makes sure that your cuts are straight and even. It also helps to keep the fabric from moving around too much when you’re making your cuts.

Don’t cut on the fold – This may sound obvious, but many people do this by accident because they don’t think about what they’re doing when they start their project (or forget). 

To avoid this mistake: check where you put your pattern pieces before proceeding with cutting; use clips or pins as needed to hold them in place if necessary; and always cut off any useless bits of paper before folding over your pattern piece so that no extra material gets folded into it accidentally!

Cutting ToolDescription
ScissorsCutting fabric with scissors is a common and easy method. There are various types of scissors available, including fabric, pinking, and rotary cutters.
Rotary CutterA cutting tool that uses a rolling blade to cut through fabric with precision. It’s ideal for cutting multiple layers of fabric or curved shapes.
Fabric ShearsSpecialized scissors designed for cutting fabric. They are available in various lengths and are durable and long-lasting.
Pinking ShearsSpecialized scissors designed to prevent fraying of fabric edges. They create a zig-zag cut that reduces fraying and adds a decorative touch.
Electric ScissorsBattery-operated scissors that provide a quick and easy way to cut fabric. They are ideal for those with limited hand strength or dexterity.

Cutting fabric accurately and efficiently is an essential part of any sewing project. The tools you use can make a big difference in the quality and ease of your cuts. From traditional scissors to high-tech rotary cutters, there are many options available to meet your needs.

Fixing Stuck Zipper Tabs

You’ve probably experienced this all too familiar situation: you pull your zipper, and it won’t budge. No matter how many times you try to work it free, the tab is stuck in place and won’t move an inch. Don’t worry there’s a way to fix this problem.

First, use a seam ripper (or needle-nose pliers) to remove the zipper pull from the tab itself. The next step is trickier: carefully push out the coil with a pin or wire but be careful not to poke yourself! 

If that doesn’t work, cut away any stitching holding down your tab and remove it from its previous spot on your skirt or sweater so that you can easily open up both sides of your garment when putting them back together again.

Learning to sew can be overwhelming, but with our step-by-step tutorial, you’ll be creating your own designs in no time! Get started with the basics, and unlock your inner creativity. Follow our sewing tutorial to get started on your sewing journey.

Travel Sewing Kit

A travel sewing kit is a great way to keep all your sewing supplies together. Here’s what you should include:

A tape measure. This is one of the most important items in any sewing kit, but also one that might be overlooked by beginners. If you don’t have a seamstress tape measure (and if you do, why don’t you use it?), grab yourself an eight- or 10-foot ruler and make sure it has inseam markings on it for pants hemming—this will come in handy for those times when the only ruler available at home happens to be in millimeters instead of inches!

Sewing machine needles. When was the last time you checked your needle? It should be replaced every 8 hours of sewing time or once every 4 pairs of jeans/shirts sewn—whichever comes first! 

Make sure they are sharpened before usage and store them safely away from other metal objects such as scissors so they won’t get damaged while traveling with them

Removing Stains From Fabric

Removing stains from fabric can be tricky, but not impossible. Here are some of the most useful methods for removing stains from fabric:

Stain remover: This is one of the most common ways to remove stains from clothing, and it usually works well if you follow directions carefully. 

Simply dab a small amount of stain remover onto the stain and rub it in gently with your fingers or a soft cloth, working in only one direction so as not to spread more of the stain around (which will make matters worse). Use circular motions when possible. 

Repeat this process until no more color transfers onto your cloth after cleaning up each area individually; then wash as normal. For stubborn stains like grass or coffee, try rubbing alcohol instead it can help break down tough protein-based substances like blood or gravy!

Rubbing alcohol and vodka: Similar products that both work well at removing certain types of stains from fabric include rubbing alcohol (which has less odor than pure ethanol) and vodka (which has a bit stronger scent than either option). 

Both are safe for use on most clothing items; however, neither should be poured directly onto delicate fabrics like silk because it could cause significant damage over time if left untreated.

Baking soda: This substance makes an excellent paste that can help lift ink marks out of cotton clothing items such as shirts or dresses without harming any other parts nearby due to its natural anti-microbial properties.

Acetone nail polish remover: If there’s still some color left behind after using these other methods once already then try adding acetone nail polish remover into hot water as soon as possible before washing again afterward with detergent/soap mixture so that no trace remains behind on either side.”

Are you tired of uneven or bulky seams in your sewing projects? The secret to perfectly sewn seams is revealed in our guide. From choosing the right needle to using proper thread tension, we cover it all. Discover the secret to perfectly sewn seams today.

Hand Sewing With A Thimble

A thimble is a small, metal cap that protects your finger. It’s used to push the needle through the fabric and is important to use when sewing by hand. Thimbles are available in different sizes so you can choose one that fits your finger.

Running Stitch

Running stitch is one of the most basic stitches in sewing. It’s a straight stitch that is created by moving your needle and thread back and forth in an overlapping pattern.

To create a running stitch, you need to:

Begin with a knot at the end of your thread (you can just tie it around itself). Make sure you don’t make a huge knot so it won’t pull through the fabric when you pull on it later! This will happen if there’s too much slack in the thread when you begin your stitching.

Insert your needle under both loops of the topmost layer and then back out again where you want to start stitching (this first hole should be an inch or two away from where you are going to end up). Slide both sides of this stitch down so that only one side remains visible on top (the other side will now be underneath). 

This action forms what looks like an “X.” Now insert your needle into this same hole from which it came out earlier but from another angle make sure not to go through any other layers except those two on top and move slightly away from where we started at first as well! 

Again, slide both sides down so that only one side remains visible above while hiding our previous line underneath; continue doing these steps until reaching desired length before tying off with another knot upon completion

Type of StitchDescription
Running StitchA straight stitch created by moving the needle and thread in an overlapping pattern.
BackstitchA strong stitch used for machine and hand-sewing. It’s created by alternating needle positions to create two parallel rows of stitches.
Blanket StitchA decorative stitch used to finish edges or add a decorative touch. It’s created by looping the thread and needle through the fabric at regular intervals.
Chain StitchA looped stitch that creates a chain-like effect. It can be used for decorative purposes or to create a strong seam.
Whip StitchA simple stitch used to join two pieces of fabric together. It’s created by passing the needle and thread over the edge of the fabric in a diagonal pattern.

Running stitch is a simple yet foundational stitch that is used in many sewing projects. However, there are many other types of stitches to consider depending on the type of fabric, application, and desired effect. Explore these common stitches to expand your sewing skills and create beautiful projects.

Alter Pants

If you’re not tall enough to pull off a pair of pants without hemming them up, there are two things you can do. One is to take in the waistband by an inch or so. The other is to have your tailor remove some fabric from the bottom of the pant leg and then reattach it at a shorter length.

To shorten a pant leg without taking in any fabric from the waistband or hemline:

Fold under about 1/4 inch on each side of where you want your new hemline to be (this will help prevent fraying). Then mark with chalk or pencil how far down you want it to go (another 1/2 inch is usually good).

Sew along these marks with an overcast stitch (a small zigzag). Press once more if needed, then let cool completely before wearing!

Create your own jewelry with our expert tips and tricks! From beading to wire wrapping, we share our favorite techniques for crafting beautiful pieces. Go beyond store-bought jewelry and make something unique. Take a look at our jewelry making guide to get started.


I hope you enjoyed learning some of my favorite sewing hacks! This list could go on and on, but I wanted to share some of my personal favorites. 

I think it’s important to have a sewing kit in your bag at all times and keep a stock of thread colors on hand so that when something happens, you can whip out a needle and fix it right away. 

The best thing about these tips is that they’re simple enough for anyone who wants to learn how to sew.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for sewing hacks to make your next project easier and more enjoyable:

10 Time-Saving Sewing Hacks to Make Your Life Easier: Learn how to simplify your sewing process with these time-saving hacks.

30 Genius Sewing Hacks You Need to Know: Discover a variety of sewing hacks that will make your sewing more efficient and enjoyable.

20 Sewing Hacks and Tips for Your Next DIY Project: Explore tips and tricks to help you improve your sewing and achieve better results.


What are sewing hacks?

Sewing hacks are tips and tricks that help simplify the sewing process and make it more efficient and enjoyable.

How can sewing hacks make sewing easier?

Sewing hacks can help prevent common sewing mistakes, save time, and make sewing more enjoyable by reducing frustration.

What are some common sewing hacks?

Common sewing hacks include using binder clips to hold fabric in place, using pencils or chopsticks to turn fabric right side out, and using clear nail polish to seal thread knots.

How can I learn more sewing hacks?

You can find a variety of sewing hacks online through blogs, videos, and tutorials. A quick internet search will bring up many resources to explore.

Do sewing hacks work for beginners?

Yes, many sewing hacks are designed to be beginner-friendly and can help new sewists develop their skills and confidence in sewing.